Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Red, White and Blue!

This incredible Gem came to me all the way from Seaham, England. It is perfectly smooth and is what many refer to as "End of Day" sea glass.

How did end of day sea glass come to be?

Glass factories along the shorelines of England would gather all the scrap glass at the end of the day, combine all the different colors together, then dump them all into the ocean. The result? Decades and centuries later these stunning multi-colored gems wash ashore.

No two pieces will ever be alike. The colors and patterns are as varied as the waves of the ocean. You can be assured that this is a one of a kind!

It's amazing this gem from the sea survived at all...

I paired it with a genuine red ruby, crystal clear quartz and light blue agate.
July Fourth may seem a world away right now but it is really just around the corner!

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